Saturday 6 April 2013

Thoughts of Food

Why is it, when you try to set your mind to something you are faced with nothing but temptation?  I have been trying to get back into my health kick by it is proving to be rather difficult!

This week I have been hitting the gym - or more accurately, classes at the gym.  I have been spinning up a storm, well spinning up a serious sweat.  However as soon as I get home and pop the kettle on I find my self reaching for the biscuits, chocolates or anything sweet!

This morning I went to spin and then kettlercise and I thought it's a fantastic way to start the weekend. Kick start the weekend on a healthy note, and hopefully it will continue.  Now, I have been relatively good but what is worrying is that the only thing that has been on my mind today is food, food, food.  I have tried to keep busy to take my mind off shoving sweet treats onto my gob but it is proving rather difficult.

I hope this is just the craving of sweet things talking and tomorrow will be easier!

I think I will try to set myself a challenge - one to keep me motivated and on track to look good for my fantastic holiday.  I have been hearing rumbles about this '30 day squat challenge'.  I think this sounds challenge worthy.  I guess squats can been done anywhere so there should not be an excuse to fail..... well I guess that is the point.

Right I am off to check out this challenge, mostly to take my mind off food!

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