Sunday, 17 February 2013

Fingers Crossed that Spring has Sprung

Today was one of those glorious days where the sunshine seemed to lift everyone into a happy mood. The cold dark winter months seem to feel as though they last longer and longer every year. Lets hope that winter is finally over for this year.

For the first time in months I felt motivated. Not only motivated to get things done, but motivated to eat healthier food, banish all the stodgy comfort food that I have been packing away and each fresh and healthy.  It's rather unfortunate that you can't get good fruit throughout the year...

I am a great believer that climate effects your weight because the weather seems to have an effect on what you want to eat.  I've always said if Scotland had warmer, sunnier weather I would be skinny and the obesity crisis would not be so prominent.  Changing times and computers have made kids less active, but who remembers when it was a rainy day? Utter boredom ensued, you were trapped, stuck in.... on the rare occasion you could have friends over but you were ultimately still bored.